Clear Vision Makes Your Dreams Can Come True in 2014…..and On

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Clear Vision Makes Your Dreams Can Come True in 2014…..and On

So….. It’s a New Year again! 2014!  What smart goals are going to change this year for you?  Have you done your vision board?  What are you prepared to do this year to get laser vision for a different outcome to last year?

If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you have been getting!  Or if nothing changes, nothing changes!!!

Are you saying …but how can I change what is happening for me? I am working my tail off, I am so busy I can’t fit anything else into my life.  What with my career goals,  my dreams for my family, my charities, my sport, my health,  my …. whatever is taking up your life? There just isn’t time … or the energy, to do anything different.  To add on!!!

Wait!  Praps there is no need to add on. Praps it is just a matter of priorities. All the ingredients are there but you are just overwhelmed.  This is one place where a coach can be helpful.  But you too have skills to get your life going to a new place of happiness, calm, peace & achievement.

Do you know what a vision board is?   If you do know, do you have one?  I knew about vision or dream boards for years before I actually sat down & finished making one for myself.

Now that isn’t to say that I didn’t recommend them to others.  Of course I did because I’m that sort of girl!  I thought that is a great idea for everyone else.  Like so many things we know are great we don’t do them ourselves.  I think I was just too lazy, and perhaps lacking in self  belief, to have the fun of putting the vision of what I wanted for my life into 1 big picture!

A vision or dream board is a about 60cm (2ft) X 50cm (1ft8ins) cardboard sheet with pictures, photos & drawings of all the things you want from your life.  The internet has made this so easy.  You just Google the things you are wanting.

Now 5 steps I recommend you do:

  • DECIDE the time had come to act for your future (and that of your family).
  • Purchase large sheets of cardboard, glue, coloured pens.
  • Made a list of all the things you want to do, be, have and give in the next 5 years.
  • Set about getting Google to find pictures of the things you want in your life and print them out.
  • Cut out your pictures, glue, put colour and glitter on your board, laugh & cry! Do this with loved ones if you can.  Then Blu-Tack your creation to the wall where you will see it often. Put it on the wall of your office, bedroom, kitchen or bathroom.

Now to a further secret to the wonderful success that this will bring you as you get a real vision of these dreams or visions.

You can make them a reality for your life:-

  • Sit in a comfortable chair with either your right or left hand (which ever is your dominant hand) open upwards and your eyes closed.
  • With your eyes closed get pictures in your minds eye of all those things that you have on your vision board. Now metaphorically ‘place’ those ‘pictures’ in to your dominant hand.
  • With those visions or pictures still in your minds eye get a picture of a path, road or a stream with stepping stones. This is the path you are going to ‘take’ your vision down.  It’s a link from today to the realising of your goals.
  • Still with your eyes closed first look down whatever path you have chosen and look 1 week out & get a feeling of how it will feel as you move down the path to your goal. Then float to that spot (all in your minds eye) a get that feeling back.  Look at where you have come from and then step back to your starting point..
  • Repeat this visualizing 2 weeks down the path, 1 month, 2 months, 3months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 yearsand on into the future.  Don’t return to the start from this point
  • At this point close your hand and pull your hand into your side with all those pictures and feelings in it. It’s like locking in your dreams and goals!
  • Do this as many times as you can each day but especially as you are going to sleep.  Our subconscious doesn’t have the ability to choose between what is real & what is not so this ‘path’ becomes reality for it & for you!

Have fun with this, it is your life and your future!

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